Run in the Dark

Our Cork and Limerick teams joined over 3,000 runners in Cork City and 25,000 participants globally for Wednesday night’s ‘Run in the Dark’ event. We were delighted to participate in the event dedicated to curing paralysis within our lifetime.

Thank you to everyone who participated and the supporters cheering them on along the route!

The Domino’s Amazing Race for Barretstown

As the Barretstown motto goes, our team had #SeriousFun taking part in The Domino’s Amazing Race! Getting involved in climbing activities, canoeing, archery and more, our team enjoyed competing against other companies in this action-packed event.

Barretstown is an amazing charity who offer free, specially designed camps and programmes for children and their families living with a serious illness who are supported behind the scenes by 24 hour on site medical and nursing care. For more information on Barretstown or to make a donation, check out their website:

Peter McVerry Trust Cycle 2023

The PJ Hegarty Cycling Club was proud to participate in the annual Peter McVerry Trust Cycle last weekend. Despite unforgiving and challenging weather conditions on the day, the team completed the cycle of the Leopardstown Loop through the Wicklow Way.

We are proud to be sponsors for one of the most important fundraising event for this charity. Funds raised will help Peter McVerry Trust continue to deliver crucial support and services to those impacted by homelessness who need help the most in communities across Ireland.

To learn more about the Peter McVerry Trust or make a donation click here: