As part of PJ Hegarty’s responsible sourcing of materials workstream, we completed Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) workshops. These workshops, an important part of our sustainability strategy, involved several key sub-contractors and vendors.
With 90% of PJ Hegarty’s carbon footprint attributed to purchased goods and services, the workshop was an important step in our mission to reduce our Scope 3 emissions.
The workshop was insightful, with our sustainability team sharing their ESG learning from the past years. Training and awareness on ESG and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) were completed. The team also communicated the support PJ Hegarty needs from our supply chain to assist us in achieving our ESG targets over the coming years. Key topics covered were:
• Climate Change: Carbon Footprint and Target Setting
• Products: Sourcing of Materials and EPDs
• Social: Human Rights and Social Responsibility